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Kids at Playground

Fun Based activities

Art and Craft

  • The most obvious benefit of arts and crafts is that it foment creativity.  And, because children are inherently curious, arts and crafts provide a way to create something unique out of raw materials and is a positive, constructive way for them to express their thoughts. Arts and crafts also help children learn how to make choices, as they will have to decide along the way what tools to use, how to decorate their crafts and how to use them once finished. They learn how to express their emotions and appreciate the importance of following their creative instinct through colours and various mediums used.


Drama & Speech interwoven with literacy

  • Speech and drama creates an atmosphere that is wonderful for the exploration and expression of the natural talent of our children and teach them how to work effectively with other children and will ultimately make their general school life; the social and the academic aspects more successful.  It is also a great way to cultivate the love for language through role play and appreciation of drama.

Music & Movement

  • Developmentally appropriate music activities involve the whole child- the child’s desire for language, the body’s urge to move, the brain’s attention to patterns, the ear’s lead in initiating communication, the voice’s response to sounds, as well as the eye-hand coordination associated with playing musical instruments.  Hence, at Bleu Castle, we use music daily during curriculum time.


Show & Tell

  • In show and tell, we provide our children with an opportunity to share with classmates something special to him/her.  In addition to feeling excited, proud, etc. about his/her item, many reading and language arts objectives are addressed. In these activities, we will develop our children’s confidence in speaking in front of an audience with the appropriate volume and posture.

Fun filled cooking lessons

  • In cooking lessons, we will not only expose our children with a fun-based art of culinary, but also encourage healthy eating habits through dietary educations.  Besides that, the children are able to have hands on use of mathematics concepts, planning, thinking, and time management.  Our children simply love their weekly cooking class!

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